Livros - classificação de popularidade na Wikipédia em indonésio
ver. 1.6

Artigos populares em o tempo todo (501-600)

# Título Popularidade
501Hikayat Siak
502Pendekar Negeri Tayli
503Alkitab Yerusalem
504Malory Towers
505Senopati Pamungkas
506Kota Allah
507Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
509Pangeran Monte Cristo
510Homo Deus: Masa Depan Umat Manusia
511Kisah Aneh Liaozhai
512Bro Code
513Boeah Rindoe
514Slilit Sang Kiai
515Nabi (buku)
516Buku Harian Anne Frank
518Kitab Ezra–Nehemia
519Obama Anak Menteng
520The Selfish Gene
521Catatan Sejarawan Agung
522Oeroeg (novel)
523Lady Chatterley's Lover
524Konjaku Monogatarishū
525Te Deum
526Kompas Emas
528Perebutan Kursi Kosong
529Ayat-Ayat Cinta
531Mathematike Syntaxis
532Casino Royale (novel)
534Dunia Kafka
535Manzhumah al-Baiquniyah
536Model transendental (teologi)
537Duabelas Hari Natal
538Tintin dan Alpha-Art
539Futility, or the Wreck of the Titan
540Sifat Shalat Nabi
541Timaios (dialog)
542Stardust (novel)
543Protokol Boxer
544The Second Sex
545Sampar (novel)
546The Age of Reason
547Drama dari Krakatau
548Surat-surat pastoral
549Inferno (Dante)
550Sair Tjerita Siti Akbari
551Gakuen Heaven
552Fengshen Yanyi
553Injil orang Ebionit
554Dune (novel)
555Kutipan dari Ketua Mao Zedong
556Pembunuhan atas Roger Ackroyd
557Virgo and the Sparklings
558Lautan Monster
559Tafsir al-Mizan
560Tuan Direktur
561Syair Siti Zubaidah Perang Cina
562Hukum Dasar Republik Federal Jerman
563Misale Romawi
564Systema Naturae
566A Thousand Splendid Suns
568Elemen Euklides
569Bai Jia Xing
570David Copperfield (novel)
571Simposium (Plato)
572Obelix dan Kawan-kawan
573Semut dan Belalang
574Lima Sekawan di Pulau Harta
576Empat Pemburu Harta
577Insurgent (novel)
578Syarhus Sunnah
580Perempuan di Titik Nol
581Origin (novel)
582New King James Version
583The Motorcycle Diaries
584Laut Merah (Tintin)
585Ulysses (novel)
586The Black Swan (buku)
588Lord of the Flies
589Nemoe Karma
591Sejarah Bambu
593Gray's Anatomy
594The Last Empress (novel)
595The Lottery
596Tafsir Al-Baghawi
597Samguk Yusa
598Boenga Roos dari Tjikembang (novel)
599Samguk Sagi
600Pertempuran Labirin
<< < 301-400 | 401-500 | 501-600 | 601-700 | 701-800 > >>