Os artigos mais populares da Wikipédia em inglês simples em janeiro de 2012

ver. 1.6
# Alterações Título Popularidade
201 77Energy
202 105Isaac Newton
203 6Renaissance
204 11Science
205 64Euro
206 18Big Ben
207 129Solar System
208 84Romeo and Juliet
209 59Gautama Buddha
210 83LD50
211 50Hymen
212 10The Canterbury Tales
213 41String theory
214 969Chinese New Year
215 39Rabindranath Tagore
216 9Subject (school)
217 40Kidney
218 44Earthquake
219 24Government
220 160Fold mountain
221 10Orange
222 6Treaty of Versailles
223 13Munshi Premchand
224 58Movie
225 17Cell
226 40Ten Commandments
227 27Breast
228 282Crocodile
229 140Barack Obama
230 15Binomial nomenclature
231 28List of soccer clubs in the United States
232 10Internet
233 73Sui generis
234 516P versus NP problem
235 125Lithosphere
236 40Physics
237 148List of WWE pay-per-view events
238 15Vitamin C
239 25Month
240 20Capitalism
241 48Ancient Egypt
242 15Economics
243 38List of Jupiter's moons
244 8List of words about computers
245 1911Kim Kardashian
246 346History of Australia
247 30French Revolution
248 98Mars
249 36List of U.S. states and territories by time zone
250 30England
251 53Inflation
252 26Gothic cathedrals
253 57Transsexual
254 156Metal
255 19Magenta
256 17Political correctness
257 69Indirect democracy
258 11Period (physics)
259 64Spain
260 54Conifer
261 130Roman numerals
262 86Asexual reproduction
263 129Child
264 53Farming
265 114Transgender
266 26Oral sex
267 253Mercury (planet)
268 19Camel
269 104Laptop
270 22Paragraph
271 42Nomad
272 94Napalm
273 35Client-server
274 28Coefficient of thermal expansion
275 48Giant panda
276 45Mitosis
277 10Jallianwala Bagh massacre
278 122Phrase
279 6Blue
280 36Mobile phone
281 338Provinces and territories of Canada
282 22Jupiter
283 57Industrial Revolution
284 2Playing card
285 13G-spot
286 78Elizabeth II
287 41Metaphor
288 30Methamphetamine
289 57Netherlands
290 85Oxygen
291 42Electrical conductivity
292 13Employer
293 9Network card
294 56China
295 174Electron shell
296 63Parmesan cheese
297 82Devi
298 3Abortion
299 64Hooke's law
300 102Lionel Messi
<< < 1-100 | 101-200 | 201-300 | 301-400 | 401-500 > >>

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